Welcome to ima{g}ine change.
We are a platform for expression and exploration through imagery.
The objective of our projects is to incite social change through imagery. We provide a platform for kids to tell visual stories, create and express themselves through moving and still imagery. Through these images a narrative develops. The kids discover an outlet that offers insight into how they engage with their environments. The end goal is to challenge the perspective of the community as a whole and highlight the influences that make an impression on the kids.
Our role is to teach the fundamentals or photography and video to the kids. We provide all of the equipment for the kids take, view and select their images. We give the kids the freedom to explore while supporting them with the tools to realize their vision. Our goal is that the kids will continue to learn, engage and express themselves within their community and beyond.
We are a registered charity in Canada and are completely volunteer. The projects to date have been self-funded. Any donations made to the project in the way of equipment or capital have all been invested in the project and equipment needed to achieve the projects goals.
For more information or to make a donation please feel free to contact Jordan Junck, the founder of the project –